CountryName:United States

Good Luck Lubricants


The GL lubricant product range is designed to meet requirements

of various markets and applications, ranging from Automotive, Industrial, Mining, Construction and Marine. Our Phase I offers a dynamic range of engine oils, for

Re-Engineering Your True Blend

In the Lubricant industry
since 2017

Mission & Vision

Maintain reputation

of a Brand which supplies Quality Products with Monetary worth

Grow to be a Major

player in the Global lubricants industry

The brand is building

a well-appointed, growing network of authorised distributors/wholesalers in various countries

Happy Customers
Years in Business
Numbers Of Products

Our recent projects

Best Engine Oil

Over 20 years of cumulative international experience in the Petroleum industry.

4T-RUNNER SUPREME is a Synthetic motorcycle engine oil chemically formulated with German technology for use in modern four-stroke engines. It is formulated with low SAPS level additives to ensure ultra low level deposits, reduced sludge formation and good corrosion protection properties.

APEX-C is an Advanced fully synthetic engine oil chemically formulated with German technology to deliver excellent all-round performance. It is specially formulated to meet the demand of gasoline and diesel vehicles in the European region and ensure exceptional cleaning power, wear protection and overall performance.

HV – ULTRA is a Fully Synthetic Engine Oil, intended for use in Heavy Duty, Diesel engine vehicles. It is chemically formulated with German technology with the latest additive to reduce emissions and maintain engine durability under extreme conditions.

GL-Series Gear oil blended with high quality base oil, as well as an􀆟-wear and an􀆟-foam additive which has strong oxidation and foaming resistance. It is formulated for use in heavy duty operations found in commercial fleets, manual transmission, axle and final drives.

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    GLL’s range of lubricants, once formulated, is produced at our blending facility in Sharjah, UAE. The plant’s modern facility with professional staff follows strict guidelines in the production processes to maintain the quality standards.

    The convenient location of the plant

    allow for a reliable supply of products to our customers in all parts of the world, with future plans to expand our production into each continent.

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